I began to reflect upon the movement of golden spirit energy through my body and enjoyed the warmth of it in my hands. I reflected upon the still ascendant spiritual experience of my life that occurred twenty years ago when I ingested a powerful dose of psilocybin containing mushrooms and had to be carried out of the Boston Museum to my friends pickup truck. In the front seat of that small blue pickup I took the most extraordinary journey of my life while my friend stood outside playing his guitar.
As I connected to this I was emerged into a cartoon like other world where neon orange mushrooms formed a mohawk on my head, similar to the ancient cave art of the mushroom shaman. I took a tunnel to the underworld in the form of an umbilical cord and met the Bear spirit who has been my guide in this life. I asked him to take the lead and he brought me to the great black womb in the center of the galaxy. While journeying in the galactic center I remembered a vision I had when I was 21. It was of the distant past and was journeying upon a camel with a companion beside me. We were in a desert and there were two small pyramids. The whole seen was illuminated with a supernatural light and the colors were extremely vivid. We were covered in rich cloaks and clothes and everything seemed to burn from within with intense power.
There was a pole coming out of the desert sand and as we left it behind a serpent also left this pole and slithered away across the sand. I had never understood the meaning of this until today when I realized it symbolized the poles of the Earth at the time of a previous shift when the natural energy dynamic of the Earth was disrupted and the consequently the Garden lost. It all seemed to make sense as I journeyed out into the future where the Garden was restored, where thought created spontaneously, and the crushing weight of density was lifted. The garden and the poles, the serpent and the energy, the realignment, the mushroom and the Tree of Life.