Wednesday, November 28, 2007

post attunement journeying synopsis

The latest advances in physics are dissolving the materialist intellectually boundaries of our perceptions of reality and our cultural cocoon. Life it turns out is a pulsation, a rhythm, starlight, fields of potentiality. We no longer have to be bound. Its not only that the scientist is seeing what the shaman saw 10,000 years ago. The prehistoric Shaman and the modern scientist have folded time/space, dissolved the illusion and are peering through the same eye simultaneously. Pulsing and free they send out ripples of healing revelation through the collective human endeavor.

Electrify this spaceship you inhabit and ascend up into the finer layers of your own being and know that we are ONE. Here I am, smiling right back at you. We, in our most natural state of unity and uncreated potential, created this game, strung these lights and descended into matter. What's the matter anyway? Its just illusion, unless you sense the pulsation, unless you see me in the mirror. Every moment is a new creation from the pulsation. Do you feel the Shaman looking out through your eyes?

I sat in the dark with my eyes closed and watched rainbows flow through me. I stood beside my mother as she prepared to give birth to me. I put my hands on her stomach and loved me. I watched my twin children float across an evening sky as they waited to enter our illusion. Their souls adorned in spheres of golden light, they came to awaken me. I traveled backwards through this sleepy illusion gathering the weak, broken, and hurt pieces of myself. I held them in a tender embrace and gave thanks for all that has been. I transformed into a clear channel of healing energy, then I walked into the future and gentle dissolved the chrysalis of a million butterflies. What did you do tonight? These things and more, because you went with me.